Most Runs in a season, Over 1000
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTotal Runs aa Averageaa Year
Tom Brockton 1555 runs 84.81 2011 Runs in a season Next Best Total Runs Average Year
This is not the full list just those we have on record. Do advise me if you have relevant records to add
Miscellaneous Most sixes in a season Most sixes in an innings Most wickets in a season-50 and over 135 HNE Alston 1953
Nomads records are sparse between 1904 and 1911, 1922 and 1939,1946-1960 and sadly the '80s and '90s have serious gaps.
* This figure is not reflected in the 1993 published averages which are missing the bowling figures from six matches
AJ(Tony) Whiteway 1447 runs 90.43 1978
HR Roy Wright 1400 runs ?? 1949
Tom Brockton 1377 runs 98.36 2015
Stafford Etienne 1366 runs 44.06 1983
Tom Brockton 1220 runs 50.83 2018
Tom Brockton 1219 runs 53.00 2016
Tom Brockton 1217 runs 50.71 2014
Tom Brockton 1187 runs 56.52 2013
Tom Brockton 1176 runs 65.33 2012
HNE(Granny) Alston 1169 runs 36.53 1950
AJ (Tony) Whiteway 1165 runs 38.83 1979
Pat Mean 1136 runs 1953
HNE(Granny)Alston 1096 runs 31.31 1953
Tom Brockton 1082 runs 77.28
 AJ(Tony) Whiteway  1004 runs   39.02  1984
CAS(Charles) Penn 986 37.92 1980
Jemile Al-Darraji 929 116.13 2004
Tom Brockton 890 40.50 2019
Tom Brockton 872 36.33 2017
CAS(Charles) Penn 850 25.00 1979
CJT Poole 786 43.66 1928
Andy Stokes 774 96.25 2003
Steve Hambleton 771 28.03 1993
MEG(Mike) Ghersie 738 26.35 1978
Paul Wakefield 732 52.29 2005
Charles Peerless 731 32.31 2011
AJ(Tony) Whiteway 729 31.70 1980
Tom Brockton 726 48.40 2021
ME(Michael) Blumberg 709 22.87 1985
Steve Hambleton 704 35.20 1994
50 C Penn 1980
15* HE Blomfield (out of the ground) 1911
125 HR Wright 1949
121 HNE Alston 1951
115 HNE Alston 1950
97 HNE Alson 1955
90 M Wilkins 1979
85 C Page 2021
83 L G Kirkpatrick 1912
81 Chris Page 2015
78 Tony Smiley 1977
75 Tony Clarke 1978
72 HG Maegraith 1937
66 Chris Page 2018
65 Michael Blumberg* 1993
64 Mike Wilkins 1978
63 Chris Page 2016
61 Chris Page 2017
61 FR Boully 1912
60 Ossie Gooding 1975
57 DG Hollebone 1936
55 Sidney Caulfield 1913
55 HG Maegraith 1936
53 Chris Page 2022
53 Tony Smiley 1978
52 LG Kirkpatrick 1913
51 Michael Blumberg 2003
50 Andy Smith 2014
50 Ossie Gooding 1974