Nomads CC 2003 Dinner 100

The Club President Richard Kershaw was Master Of Ceremonies for the evening with the assistance from Centenary Captain and Hon Secretary Michael Blumberg
President Emeritus David Alexander gave the Sidney Caulfield Toast and Vice President & Former Club Captain Ian Crombie the 'Granny' Alston Toast
The Annual Awards were made at the dinner.The Sidney Caulfield Trophywas presented to Charles Fellows-Smith by Charles Fry and the Colin Owen-Browne Shield to Keith Alexander by the Rt Hon Peter Brooke Christmastide Festivities
The following enjoyed the Nomads XMAS Party- President Richard Kershaw, President Emeritus David Alexander, Michael Blumberg & Annette Tiberghien, Daryn & Karen Williams, Charlton Lamb, Steve Marians, Bill Rodwell, Charles Fellows-Smith, Russell Mann, Nigel Keess, Keith Alexander, Mark Surridge, Mike Palowkar, Scott & Kerry Briggs who came all the way from OZ, Chris Ledger, Mike Wilkins, Sunil Amar – together with members of the Romany Cricket Club. Thanks to the hospitality of Tony Matharu, a Romany member and proprietor of the Grange Group of Hotels, a sumptuous buffet (international & Japanese) was devoured with relish and a great deal of wine. Later Romanies descended to the bowels of the hotel to play simulated golf while most Nomads repaired to a nearby pub for a few ales before departing into the night. Thus ended the final function of the Nomads cricket club Centenary Year.
We were sorry to hear that Sumit Chakravaty had succumbed to a virulent bug, that Tony Brennan had been invaded by Czechs, that Nigel Taylorson was overwhelmed by a client's hospitality and so overran, that Allen Abramson was restrained by fellow revellers at another party from bicycling over to ours, Richard Woolhouse was lost in Treasury red tape, Faisal Rana was apprehended by Tower Of London security, Jack Hyams just fell asleep at Cockfosters Tube Station in the heated waiting room only to be woken up by Mike Palowkar on his return, Matt Marshall is reputedly still on a bus from Bayswater and Paul Wakefield is still trying to find a Docklands Train to Tower Hill. John Behar came a week late on Christmas Eve and Rangam Mitra was delayed by clients until too late which leaves Kate Hawthorne in bed with flu and Andy Smith utterly unaccounted for…probably on the same bus as Matt M reminiscing about cricket in Scotland!! Tony Lennox Smillie had a better offer for his camera work. The President was in such a loquacity high gear that he pretended to be talking to an imaginary mobile phone all the way home and Steve Marians went off in search of a late showing of the film Lagaan with some phantasmargorical sponsors. It was established that Blumberg last played for Romany in 1965. Tiger Surridge suggested that Romany and Nomads play 6-a-side cricket at Browns in Portugal although Nomads were keen to try Tangiers as Romany had in October. Tony Matharu said why not an 11 a side at Shenley in 2004 ? which is being confirmed. It was that sort of Party. The following apologies were received which included inevitably the conflicting business xmas do, children's school Xmas play, carol singing, choir practise,other parties..and then the feeble ones like being in Kerala, Sri Lanka, India, Denmark, Australia,Sierra Leone,New Zealand, Ethiopia, USA, Dorset, France,Sri Lanka, Iraq!, Spain, Devon & Istanbul… well really ..and one thought the round trip from Basingstoke too taxing and a Nomad skipper he once was.- Keith Roger,Ian Crombie, Mike Ghersie,Simon & Brinde Collins,Jeremy Lascelles,Jamie Lane,Mike Hodges,Duncan Kendal, Unmish Parthasarathi, Roger Chown, Ian Sutherland, Kelvin Sutherland, Roger Kidgel, Ken Sainsbury, Paul Stanfield, Julian Smith, Jason de La Pena, Charles Peerless, Isabelle Duncan & Chris Cairns, Ben Goldschmied, Neeraj Nayar, Chris Downes, Jamie Keleher, Les Molloy, Jeremy Paul, Richard Horne, David Oatway,Ian McKinnon, Tom Bland,William Meacock,James Meacock, Adrian Walton, Michael Morris, Andy Hill, Mike Willis, Mark Lusher, Paul Tanton,Terry Thorpe, Phil Mitchell, Roger Kinsella, Richard Brooke, Alex Page, Clive Seigal, Ben Bodie, Mike Walton, John Gleasure, Phil Burnham, Graham Law, Colin Sargent, Ravi Mantha, Adam Leyland, Alison Smith, John Rezko, Jonathan Booth, Nick Priestnall, Brian Rouse, Joe Ireland, Adam Licudi, Brian Wilson,Sam Blake, Rob Wycherley, Dan O'Sullivan, Bob Cairns, Georgie Smith, Richard Heard, Matt Burton, Ben Nealon, Fergus Munro, Mark Olivier, Richard Doughty, Frank Stuckey, Neal Rodrigues, Kim Owen-Browne,Phil Bell, Simon Barter, Rick Harris, Richard Fanthorpe, Vinoo Nath, Tony Whiteway,Ravi Ramamrutham, Peter Mathews, Mike Hodd, Ian Chandler, John Hunt,Chris Latham,Donald MacLeod, Andy Stokes,Tim Bourke , …apologies if we have missed you and Merry Christmas
The following did not reply but would still have been very welcome-Andrew Dunley, John Dunley, Andy Stokes, Mike Thewlis, Roy Martins, Henry Lascelles, George Joseph, John Gold, Paul Wheeler, Andy & Alison Marshall, Chris Heron, Ollie Croom-Johnson, Nial Thorburn, Andy Gregory, Rob Harris, John Hess, Elliott Brooke, Rob Leachman, Tony Lee, Chris Wakefield, John Nagenda, Colin McGregor, Nigel Harris, David Morton, Waqar Siraj, Jai Singh, Paul Goodwin, Peter Quinn, Barry Miller, Wolfie Teser, Dickie Wyse, Simon Brasier, Peter Greenwood, Martin Bailey, Marshall Moir, Imran Mangral, Peter Edwards, Gary Wathen, Enax Chack, Andrew Simpson-Parker, Ranji Latchman, Roger Davidson, Naveet Bali, Arunjay Katakam, Kevin Smith, Chip Stidolph et al..Merry Christmas to you all
The Christmas Party completed a momentous year for Nomads CC. We had discussed celebrating the Centenary and then winding the club down but instead decided to make a splash with the Centenary Year and hope the momentum would take the club to an invigorated and sustainable future. The Christmas party, the Centenary Tour, the Annual Dinner and the much extended fixture list all proved to be a great success indicative of a bright future