BATTING Averages Qualification 5 completed innings
I NO Runs H'S Ave 6s
T Bourke 13 2 557 176* 50.06 15
A MacDanel 8 0 324 124 40.50 7
F Stuckey 9 1 324 108* 40.50 9
J Dunley 10 4 208 53* 34.67 7
M Willis 16 4 373 82* 31.08 5
A Dunley 12 0 336 65 28.00 3
N Thompson 5 0 135 53 27.00 ?
J Drayton 6 0 158 46 26.33 4
R Kershaw 10 0 253 83 25.30 ?
T Barson 14 1 307 60* 23.62 8
GC Lamb 8 1 163 50 23.29 ?
P Mitchell 10 2 186 74* 23.25 ?
G Eiolart 5 0 111 45 22.20 ?
ME Blumberg 22 4 364 62 20.22 ?
P Maloney 9 2 141 42* 20.14 ?
C Scott-Orr 12 7 93 18 18.60 ?
M Ghersie 7 0 108 26 15.43 ?
D Gluckman 6 0 88 33 14.67 0
J Leahy 7 2 58 16 11.60 0
Also batted 2 completed innings
M Hodd 2 0 94 70 47.00 ?
C Heron 3 0 123 61 41.00 ?
C Jeavons 5 1 138 44 34.50 ?
D Mann 3 1 55 50* 27.50 ?
A Abramson 3 1 81 31 27.50 ?
S Best 2 0 50 47 25.00 ?
D Galoba 4 0 79 68 19.75 ?
D Oatway 5 1 70 55 17.50 ?
CAS Penn 2 0 28 22 14.00 ?
N Leslie-Miller 7 4 39 23* 13.00 ?
AJG Symondson 3 1 24 20* 12.00 ?
J Doyle 2 0 22 16 11.00 ?
81 Players batted at least once during the season,4 Centuries were scored, 28 Fiftiesand 33 Ducksrecorded.
81 Sixes were struck.
Tim Bourke's score of 176* is thought to be the highest individual innings ever madefor Nomads CC. A record that latest for 29 years.