The Sixteenth Post Season Punjab CurryFest

The Nomads post season CurryFest was held at the Punjab Restaurant 80 Neal Street Covent Garden WC2H 9PA Thursday November 11th 2021 8.30pm with many congregating beforehand at the White Lion Pub 24 James Street Covent Garden WC2E 8NS where the club captain held the fort post Tea time.Several members of Frogs CC joined us at the pub before departing to another restaurant. In the end we were 27 diners as a result of 7 late apologies on the day plus 6 no shows which was a shame.This was a very convivial evening and the first gathering of Nomads since February 2020.

Diners were Tom Brockton & Leigh, Michael Blumberg & Annette,Sajjad Shawl,Ross Ormiston,Keith Juriansz, Bill Johnson, Mark Richards, Gerard Soames, Phil Mitchell, Ben Butcher, Vic Kandampully, Raj Mendhir,Nigel Hussey, Derek Manners,Vic Devers,Alastair Evans-Gordon, Ben Ralphs,Jai Singh, Chris Page, Bill Rodwell,Joe Ireland, Kevin Smith & Michaela,Paul Wakefield,Parag Gudka.

Apologies on the day– Geoff Knight & Kate Eversfield,Pawan Malik & Nikhil Malik,Pravin Kiritharan,Keith Alexander,Ahmed Elech.

No shows -Peter Price,Joe Purnell,Sumnant Bahl, Nick Stevenson,Kyle Bradley, Mark Williams.

The traditional Nomads toast in memory of Sidney Caulfield and ‘Granny’ Alston was given by the club President Michael Blumberg.


Played 61 Won 35 Tied 0 Drawn 15 Lost 11

Nomads at the Punjab

2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019