Season 1978

President DD Alexander Club Captain MEG Ghersie Hon Sec ME Blumberg
Played 42 Won 24 Drawn 14 Tied 0 Lost 6 Cancelled 9
Ladies were invited to the annual dinner for first time, March at Lord’s
Seventy Fifth Year
Tony Whiteway scored nearly 1500 runs while Tony Clarke took 75 wickets followed by Mike Wilkins 64 and Tony Smiley 54.
The club undertook successful tours in May to Brussels and at the end of June to Suffolk.
In April we enjoyed a spectacular April cocktail party thanks to Ken Dowd’ at the bank Kendal & Dent off Berkeley Square. The Autumn post season party was held at the Croom-Johnson’s mansion.
The Club entered an evening 7 aside KO in Wandsworth by way of Alf Gover’s Indoor Cricket School.
At the March AGM Michael Blumberg was elected Honorary Secretary.