Club Administration
Founded in 1903 Nomads CC is a wandering club based on London playing in the South East of England, Continental Europe and far beyond. Matches in UK are played mostly on Sundays and midweek. In September we play most Saturdays as well. Some of our members play League cricket on Saturdays and many belong to other clubs as well.
Thank you for visiting the Nomads web site. We hope you enjoyed your visit and will bookmark the site for further visits.
If you would like to contact us to play or arrange matches & tours overseas please ‘Contact Us’. Paul Maloney Hon Fix Secretary-01483870076 or Michael Blumberg-Hon Secretary-02076243925/07583518661.
Nomads Administrative HQ is at 130A Greencroft Gardens London NW6 3PJ.
The Club welcomes all cricketers who play the game to a reasonable standard and in the true spirit of the game. Our membership encompases many nationalities and a very wide age range.
The club charges a modest annual membership of £30.00 payable by May 1st each year. £5 for non playing members for those in full time education and or under 21 on May 1st..
Match Fees A match fee of £15.00 is collected from each player after each match played which includes tea, £5 for schoolboys and students. All day games cost more and vary up to £20 at different opponents.
Umpires In the past the club provided a qualified umpire-ACU & S, for every match but in recent years for some matches. It is the club’s intention to build this up again to most if not all matches with menbers who are qualified or safe experienced players.
Candidates/New Members Prospective members must play at least three times after which they may be elected to membership of the club. It will help also if candidates give some background to their cricketing prowess. Candidates Application
Match Selection Members & candidates are requested to contact relevant Match Managers to confirm their wish to play in a particular match. You may also email the secretary who keeps a central availability list and advises Match Managers accordingly. Hon Sec Email here
Tours It is a requirement of all who come on a Nomads Tour that you are a paid up member. The club is always pleased to welcome friends and supporters as well as new players especially opposition . Debutants must pay the annual subscription which if it is an autumn post season tour this then counts for the next UK season and on to the year end