Winter Nets 2020

MCC Indoor Cricket Academy London NW8 8QN 

Covid-19 MCC closes Indoor school from March 18th -April 30th 2020

Nomads CC has booked nets at the following dates and times

Wednesday    February  19th  7-9pm
Wednesday    February  26th  7-8pm
Wednesday    March        4th  7-8pm
Wednesday    March      11th  7-8pm
March         17th  7-9pm
Wednesday    April           1st  7-8pm  
Wednesday    April           8th  7-8pm
Wednesday    April         15th  7-9pm                  

Tom Brockton will be contacting members soon in The New Year.

Please confirm with Tom Brockton that you are coming-0793117704 and or Michael Blumberg- 0753518661 well in advance as far as possible and likewise if you have to drop out.

We are limited to the number of bowlers in a net and don't really want much more than six batsmen per net per hour. 

W e have two hours on three occasions and one hour on five occasions. We can accommodate more netters on the two hour sessions,especially bowlers.

If those netting require additional further nets then we will enquire of the Indoor School when we are there.>

To net at Lord’s you should wear white or cream cricket trousers and shirt and of course your footwear must have no studs.