Nomads in France tour to Saumur June 15-18th

The club made a short weekend tour to the beautiful town of Saumur in France where the creator of the local cricket club, Krishna Lester was the manager of a local vineyard which we visited on Saturday morning(see below). We travelled to Saumur from Wimbledon in a sturdy minibus(see below). This restart of Continental tours by Nomads was to become an increasing feature of the club's fixture list and indeed a source of steady future recruitment.

The tour party: Michael Blumberg,Tony Whiteway,Russell Mann,Kelvin Sutherland,Jack Hyams,Matt Duggan,Rob Smith,Trevor Griffiths,Professor John White,Terry Howe Senior,Terry Howe Junior.

Full Scorecards & Photographs

Nomads in France

July 3, 2020 2:20 pm